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About Empower Coaching

My passion for empowering other women stems from my own confidence struggles many years ago; and understanding how detrimental this can be when you have strong ambitions to create a successful life.


I have met so many women who felt held back in life because their confidence had been completely knocked down due to their struggles with binge eating.


It pained me to hear how these
women with BIG DREAMS felt so DISEMPOWERED; and I felt a burning passion to support them back to life...


This is how Empower Coaching was born.


I strongly believe mental and physical health go hand in hand and so my approach to coaching is integrative.

I combine Neurolinguistic Programming, nutritional rehabilitation and functional fitness for a wholesome experience. 


But what really qualifies me to work with women who feel trapped by binge eating is my own experience.

I struggled with bulimia and binge eating for 6 years.


A worldwide pandemic accelerated my business goals of transferring online.

I recognised that there was an increased number of women suffering alongside a reduced level of access to support.


It just made sense!



ABOUT: About
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