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Experience Empower Coaching

An empowering and neurolinguistic approach to bulimia and binge eating recovery.

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Bulimia and Binge Eating Recovery Coaching

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A Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Practitioner, specialising in Eating Disorder Recovery.

I help women to overcome bulimia and binge eating and regain power over their life.

My approach to recovery is a combination of the main principles and practises of NLP, alongside nutritional therapy and physical functioning.


This enables a whole rounded approach to recovery to ensure my clients are fully empowered to continue their recovery success long after coaching.


I do this because I once struggled with disordered eating myself, and it held me back from making progress towards creating and living the life I had intended.

My confidence and self-worth hit an all time low.

Once I made a full recovery back in 2013, I knew I needed to help support other women to regain power of their lives also. 


To hear more about my experience with bulimia, you can watch this video - 'MY STORY'*.


*TW - Please note 'My Story' contains a raw, detailed and explicit description of my experience with binge eating and bulimia.

Talk of purging, control, food and body weight.



"I had only recently been going through a divorce and I felt like I needed to get my life in check.

I still remember having my consultation call and thinking how cool is she! She has to be the most calm, caring, level headed person I have ever met.

My journey will never be forgotten"


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