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Who is the B-Free Recovery programme suited for?

B-Free Recovery has been developed specifically for any person who identifies with binge eating, bulimia, emotional eating or stress eating.

What is recovery coaching?

Recovery Coaching is a process in which the client wishes to achieve personal growth in their life and overcome their challenges with binge eating and bulimia.


The coach is there to act as a guide and to provide structure and method to the process of analysing the challenge, and aiding the client in developing strategies and ways of thinking to  accomplish this change. 


It is the client who achieves change, hence why recovery coaching is an incredibly empowering experience.

What is NLP?

The B-Free Recovery programme is built upon the main principles and practises of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP).

In short, NLP is the language of the brain. 

Neuro = Brain. 

Linguistic = Language.

A key component is exploring the link between a person's behaviours, thoughts, emotions, and language, and the outcomes (or consequences) they produce. 


By learning how your mind has been programmed to present day, you can better understand the challenges you currently face and therefore what may need to be applied in order to reprogram and overcome your challenges.

Will the programme cure me?

While the aim of the programme is to assist you in achieving a full recovery, the outcome is the sole responsibility of the enrolled individual.


Therefore, it is impossible to guarantee results and these will vary depending on what stage/the severity of the challenge the individual is at when enrolling for the programme. 


The B-Free Recovery programme is not intended to act as a cure.

It is intended to be used to assist and support and individual on their recovery journey and to provide structure to that process.

The B-Free Programme does not replace therapy or medical advice.

It benefits an individual by providing additional support with a practical structure. 

How can group coaching benefit me?

Eating disorders or disordered eating can be a lonely battle.

Individuals usually state that they carry overwhelming guilt, shame and embarrassment, hence why so few reach out for help.


The aim of group coaching is to provide a safe space where you can be heard, understood and supported in a non judgemental environment.


Speaking openly and honestly about your challenges will relieve the heavy weight you carry around in silence on a daily basis.


Connecting with individuals who face the similar challenges will help to shed a light on individual experiences and create a community where you can just be you and receive the support you need.

Do I have to attend all live coaching sessions over the 12 weeks?

Your commitment to the B-Free Recovery programme is entirely in your hands.

There are no demands or expectations.


However, to make the most of the support and to give yourself the best chance of achieving the results you want, we strongly advise that you attend as many coaching sessions as you can.


Live coaching sessions are recorded and replays are included within your membership, therefore should you find difficulty in attending a particular session, you will be able to access the replay and catch up in your own time.

How long will it take me to complete the action steps within the course?

The B-Free Recovery programme is completed over a 12-week period.


We understand that individuals  join the programme at differing stages and commitments/lifestyles will vary.

For that reason, once the 12 weeks are completed, you will still have access to any replays or support materials for a further 4 weeks.

Please note that live coaching classes will not be available during the extended 4 week period.

Can I sign up for the programme at any time?

The programme follows a specific structure over a 12 week period and so we run a cohort of 8 spaces per 12 weeks.


If a cohort is currently running, you may request to be placed on a waiting list for the next cohort.


If you have just missed the start date by a few days, and there are still spaces, you may be able to join and catch up.

This will be dependent on your availability and/or ability to catch up on the days missed.


We do not advise joining if more than 3 days have passed since the initial start date.

Why do you only have 8 spaces per cohort?

Although we believe that sharing and talking is absolutely key for recovery, we also understand that it can be intimidating and overwhelming.


We believe that capping each cohort to just 8 spaces, enables a community environment whilst avoiding overwhelm.


Smaller groups also allow us to give enough time and space to each individual and for the group to connect on a deeper level.

What forms of payment do you accept?

As B-Free Recovery is an online programme, we accept all forms of digital payments. 

Examples include bank transfers, standing orders, credit and debit card and crypto currency.


We cannot accept cash or cheque.


I am ready to join! What do I need to do?

We are happy to hear that you are ready to join us.

To apply for the course, please click on the link below and fill out the short application form.

Once submitted, a coach will be in touch to discuss the next steps. 

Do you offer coaching that is not specific to eating disorder recovery?

Yes! Neuro Linguistic Programming can be applied to areas such as Self Confidence, Overcoming Fear, Finding your Identity and Purpose in Life, Career and so much more.


Please contact Emma using the email provided below, to discover how Empower Coaching can support you right now.

Should you have a question that has not been answered above, please contact:

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